Tuesday 18 August 2015

So Cute! kids getting a tour on a tech site...


Police officer pulls over speeding car; woman inside gives birth

Seattle police officers wound up helping with the birth of a baby after a routine traffic stop and it was all recorded on a patrol car's dashboard camera.

The department says Officer Anthony Reynolds pulled over the car after he saw it speeding and running red lights in South Seattle at about 3:45 a.m. Sunday. The driver opened his door and shouted that his wife was in labor.

Reynolds radioed for an ambulance, but it didn't get there in time, and 3 other officers arrived just as the baby was born. The girl gave a cry but then began struggling to breathe, and Reynolds helped the mother clear the baby's airway and got her breathing again.

The police department reports that the family is doing well, and they sent along a note thanking the officers.

13-year-old CEO successfully runs 5-Employee, $200,000 in Sales Business

He is only 13, but he has accomplished more than most have by 30. His bow ties have produced $200,000 in sales, and he has five employees on payroll which include his mother and grandmother. Not to mention, he has been celebrated by Oprah’s O Magazine, Steve Harvey and mentor/FUBU founder Daymond John.

His name is Moziah Bridges and he is the CEO of Mo’s Bows. The teenage fashion designer started his company in 2011 at the tender age of nine when he asked his grandmother to teach him how to sew. He took her scraps of fabric and began making unique bow ties. Not long after, Mo’s Bows began selling to local stores and online.

On his website Bridges explains his passion for making bow ties saying, “I like to wear bow ties because they make me look good and feel good. Designing a colorful bow tie is just part of my vision to make the world a fun and happier place.”
And as his vision is becoming actualized, the Memphis native went a step further into philanthropy.
“I made this bow tie called the Go Mo! Scholarship Bow Tie and 100 percent of the proceeds go to help kids go to summer camp because I feel like it’s good to help the community and that’s what I’m doing,” Bridges said.

Bridges appeared on Shark Tank in 2014 to pitch Mo’s Bows to potential investors. He had to choose between accepting $50,000 for his innovative idea while sharing royalties with Kevin O’Leary, or have John as a mentor. The young businessman chose John’s influence over money, and so far the decision has proven to be a wise one.
With John, he attended Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York and impressed big names in fashion with his sophisticated demeanor and dapper style. What more could they expect from a kid carrying a briefcase? Bridges’s experience at Fashion Week garnered a phone call from Karen Katz CEO of Neiman Marcus. Mo’s Bows are now sold online at Neiman Marcus and Cole Hahn. His neckwear retails at around $50 and are available in 15 states, Toronto and the Bahamas.

He is very hands-on with the creation of Mo’s Bows. He chooses the design of each tie and his style is a myriad of polka-dots, bold stripes, funky paisleys, and sports themed ties. His sports ties opened a seat for Bridges at 2015 NBA Draft where he served as a fashion analyst for the draftees.
Moziah Bridges’ success is certainly engineered by his mother’s support. “You don’t have to wait until you’re older,” his mother Tramica Morris said. “If you have a dream and you have a passion, we say go for it.”

When is he older, his future with Mo’s Bows will be expansive. “I see Mo’s Bows adding neck ties, pocket squares and other accessories for men,” he wrote to FORBES. “I also want to get enough money to start a cool kids clothing company that has nice blazers and pants for kids who like to look good like me.”

On the website, Mo’s Bows now sells squares and t-shirts.

Today he is still managing school and making bow ties, but Bridges has plans to attend college and launch a full fashion line by age 20.

Striking photo of newborn lying next to mother's caesarean wound

More than 11 million people have viewed this picture on social media, but it has certainly divided opinion.
This striking photograph of a mother and baby taken just three days after being born by caesarean section has taken social media by storm.
Helen Aller, 29, took the black and white image of the woman and her newborn lying next to her wound.

The new mother, who does not wish to be identified, was terrified of having a C-section but wanted the picture to be taken as the operation had saved her and her baby.

The image touched a nerve around the world after Helen shared it online, and it has been seen 11.5 million times and liked by nearly 200,000 people.
 Photographer Helen, from Guernsey, often takes photos of newborns and their mums, but said she wasn't prepared for the reaction her latest shot received.
She said: "I photographed this mama's pregnancy a while back and she was telling me how terrified she was of having a c-section.

"Last week she went into labour but had to have an emergency c-section after complications.
"She asked me to come over and shoot this particular image as her worst nightmare proved to be what saved her and her child's lives.
"My images usually get seen seen by 100 people at most so I never thought it would reach anywhere near what it has done.
"So far it has been seen by over 7.5 million people. I didn't expect this image to reach so far."
In the photo, the newborn - only three days old - is lying directly underneath his mother's scar from her emergency caesarean.

Source: UK Mirror

Nigerian mother of 3 emerges Mrs Tourism United Nations in Jamaica

Pictured above is Mrs Ebelechukwu Enemchukwu who won the 2015 Mrs. Nigeria United Nations at in Abuja on May 19th organized by Precious Chikwendu, Miss United Nations World Queen 2014.
Having won this title, she represented Nigeria on the International stage in Kingston, Jamaica for the United Nations World Pageants which took place on July 18. She won the keenly-contested Pageant.
Aside the Mrs. Tourism title which she clinched, she flew the Country's flag even higher as she also won the People's Choice Ambassador Award for having the highest number of votes across all categories (Miss, Mrs, Ms, Miss Tourism, Miss Teen) of the Competition. She had a total of 63,900 votes. Wow! 

Monday 3 August 2015

Kim K, her bump and daughter step out in LA

5 months pregnant Kim Kardashian looking really simple 

wore a pair of flats and fitted beige maternity dress.

10 Years & Counting! Ghollywood Actor Majid Michel & Wife Virna Renew their Vows

Ghanaian actor Majid Michel and his wife of 10 years, Virna Michel, have renewed their wedding vows in the presence of close friends and family.
 The intimate ceremony was done at the La Palm Royal Hotel.

Billionaire CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are going to be parents.

Mark shared details about previous miscarriages 'to give more people the same hope they felt and help more people feel comfortable sharing their stories as well'. The couple were married in 2012. The soon-to-be father proudly shared this emotional post with his 33.2 million followers on Facebook.
"Priscilla and I have some exciting news: we're expecting a baby girl! We've been trying to have a child for a couple of years and have had three miscarriages along the way. 
"You feel so hopeful when you learn you're going to have a child. You start imagining who they'll become and dreaming of hopes for their future. You start making plans, and then they're gone. It's a lonely experience.
Most people don't discuss miscarriages because you worry your problems will distance you or reflect upon you—as if you're defective or did something to cause this. So you struggle on your own." 
"Our good news is that our pregnancy is now far enough along that the risk of loss is very low and we are very hopeful," he said. 
"Cilla and our child are both healthy, I'm extremely excited to meet her and our dog Beast has no idea what's coming." 
"So I'm already convinced she takes after me," 
"We're looking forward to welcoming her into the world and sharing more soon when she's ready to come out and meet everyone!"