Friday 25 September 2015

7 year old saves 2 year old brother from drowning on family holiday in Portugal

A brave 7 year old boy, Oliver Johnson-Platt, saved his 2 year old brother, Gabriel, from drowning on a family holiday when he saw him jump into the pool and sink to the bottom. Oliver immediately dived in to help.

The 7-year-old used skills he learnt at his local pool during the dramatic rescue. Mum Sarah, who witnessed the whole thing, said Oliver had just completed his lifesaving qualification a week before the holiday.

She said:

“We were on the first day of our holiday and we had only been at the pool for an hour or so. Oliver was in the main pool and his two-year-old brother Gabriel was happily playing with the buckets and watering cans in the very shallow baby pool.
“I was sat in-between the two pools watching them both as my husband had gone to the hotel reception to collect our car.
“Whilst I was looking over at Oliver in the big pool, out of the corner of my eye I saw Gabriel running towards the main pool. I jumped up and started to run towards him but at the same time Oliver had seen what was about to happen and swam like his life depended on it.
“At that very moment Gabriel jumped straight into the main pool and went straight to the bottom - Oliver went straight under without even thinking and got hold of him around the waist and brought the two of them to the surface of the water and safely over to the side. It all happened so quickly.”
According to Manchester evening news, Oliver, has been swimming with Puddle Ducks Mid Cheshire since 2012, and has been in the Advanced Elite Swim Academy at Delamere for the past two years.
He has achieved his 100m, Shark 1 and 2 awards and Rookie lifeguard bronze 1 and 2 and is currently working towards his bronze 3.
Sarah added: “I could not be prouder of Oliver and the way he reacted that day. It really showed me how invaluable everything they are taught in the lifesaving lessons at Puddle Ducks are. What a super star!”
Oliver’s teacher Vicky Walker said: “I’m extremely moved and proud of Oliver’s amazing achievement saving his brother from drowning whilst on holiday. It just proves that what we teach every week at Puddle Ducks does actually pay off.
“Oliver’s natural saving instinct kicked in and what he learnt in his class was put to good use to save his little brother. Well done Oliver.”

Thursday 24 September 2015

Ivanka Trump announces baby number 3 with sweet photo

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump is expecting baby number with her husband, Jared Kushner. The 33-year-old business woman announced the happy news with a cute photo starring her two children, four-year-old Arabella and 2 year old Joseph. Ivanka, 33, and Jared, the CEO of Kushner Properties got married in 2009.

Her dad Donald Trump took to Twitter to congratulate his daughter and express his happiness at the big news. He wrote: 'So happy about my daughter @IvankaTrump’s announcement that she will be having a baby this spring. Congratulations!'

Happy Sallah

Saturday 19 September 2015

Syrian refugee couple photographed kissing in their tent in Hungary

In all of the madness & chaos, they still found time for some love.

Photo credit:Yannis Androulidakis

Friday 18 September 2015

Four male Police officers help a woman deliver her baby

NYPD Cops assigned to the 46 Precinct helped deliver a healthy baby boy on Wednesday evening, September 9, in the Bronx. Sergeant Garcia and Police Officers Howe, Olivo, and Ramroop responded to a 911 call of a woman giving birth in her apartment.

The officers arrived prior to EMS workers and jumped into action. Officer Howe, a father of two and the Field Training Officer, began to coach the 31-year-old woman with her breathing and when to push. Within minutes a healthy baby boy was delivered and Police Officer Howe cleared the baby's airway, causing him to cry.

The officers continued to comfort mom and baby until the arrival of EMS. Baby and mom were removed to a local hospital and are doing well. Police Officer Howe is a 20-year veteran of the NYPD and the Field Training Officer and mentor for newly assigned Police Officers Olivo and Ramroop.

A group of female soldiers in uniform breastfeeding their babies

The female soldiers posed in uniform while breastfeeding their babies at Fort Bliss, in El Paso, Texas, in an attempt to 'normalize breastfeeding'.

Photo credit: Tara Ruby photography

Beautiful Nursery..

Tanzanian singer, Diamond Platnumz shared the photo above as he cuddles his daughter in her nursery. 

Tyra Banks reveals “traumatic” Struggle to become a Mum via IVF

The model turned media mogul who is presently promoting her innovative new talk show “Tyra presents FABLife” has revealed her infertility struggles.
Tyra revealed to People Magazine;
“Since I was 24, I used to say every year, ‘I will have kids in three years,’ ” she says. “I kept saying it over and over again. Because my business is very entrepreneurial. I’m not for hire, so I have to do everything. I kept trying to find that time for that to happen.”
Tyra who is 41 and has been in a serious relationship with photographer Erik Asla for 2 years, tearfully reveals that she has undergone IVF procedures in hopes of conceiving.
“I’ve had some not happy moments with that, very traumatic moments,” she says. “It’s difficult as you get older. It’s not something that can just happen.”
However, Tyra still hopes for a large family!
“I hope [for kids], she says. “I don’t just want one child. I want a litter! And I want to be the kind of mom where my child can come to me for anything.”

Mercy Johnson Replies on Criticism of her 3rd Pregnancy

In an interview with Goldmyne TV, actress Mercy Johnson said she is surprised at how she is being criticized for having her third child months after welcoming her second child, Henry.

"I am expecting my third child and I’m a married person so I don’t think people should ask me why. I understand the ethics of spacing kids but I’m a married person and an adult. I can decide the way I want to live my life. So yes, I’m having my third baby very soon. Thank you so much for the good wishes, thank you so much for the hate speeches but save some of the hate speeches because the fourth will soon come to round it up then you can show your anger then but for now it’s good news let’s celebrate.”she said

So Inspiring! 14 Year Old Ghanaian Street Vendor Wins Award at 2015 Venice Film Festival for His 1st Acting Role in ‘Beasts of no Nation’

Oscar Award – winning actress Lupita Nyong’o once said, “No matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid.”

This saying truly exemplifies the story of 14-year old Ghanaian street vendor, Attah Abraham, who won the Marcello Mastroianni’s Best Young Actor Award at the 2015 Venice Film Festival.
He won the award for his lead performance in a Beasts of No Nation, alongside Idris Elba, Citifmonline reports.
Abraham was discovered on the streets of Ghana during the shooting of the Netflix soon-to-be released movie.
Director of the movie, Cary Fukunaga, says Abraham was randomly selected on the streets, and that the teenager had no prior acting experience.
Impressed by his outstanding peformance, Fukunaga has decided to fund Abraham’s education.
“For Abraham, he’s only 14 so we had to get him up to speed in school, so right now we put him into boarding school back in Ghana so he can get up to normal 14 year old academics. By nature of us crossing into these people’s lives you have some responsibility there to make their lives better…”
Photo Credit: Citifmonline

Tuesday 8 September 2015

TY Bello's Twin Boys Are Too Cute

hotographer and musician TY Bello shared a photo of her twin boys Chris and Chris a few minutes ago and the photo is just so heartwarming. The twins were photographed by Ria Solanke for this shot.Photo Credit: Instagram - @tybello

Sunday 6 September 2015

Jim Iyke and Lithuanian girlfriend welcome baby boy

Jim and his 23 year old Lithuanian girlfriend Dana Kinduryte welcomed a baby boy on September 1st at Grady Hospital, Atlanta. The child has since been named Harvis Chidubem Iyke.
According to African Eye, Jim met Dana, a law graduate in London over a year ago but she didn't even know he was a famous actor until three months after they started dating.

Five months after the couple found out they were expecting a child, Jim moved Dana into his apartment in Atlanta where he cared for her. Jim was said to be present and assisted in the delivery of his first child.
“My son. After trying a few relationships in the industry at home, I didn’t want the circus and misconceptions that came from close scrutiny so I spared no expense and resources to protect this relationship and my baby. This time last year I was in depression over my mom’s death. This time around I’m in tears of joy”. Jim was quoted as saying
Many of his friends and colleagues are said to be surprised about the baby news as most didn't know he was expecting one. Congrats to Jim and Dana  

Three sisters give birth on the same day at the same hospital

In an unlikely coincidence, three Irish sisters gave birth on the same day at the same hospital. And what's more remarkable is that their fourth sister was expected to give birth sometime soon after her 3 sisters! Mairead Fitzpatrick and her sisters Joeline Godfrey and Bernie Ward all gave birth at Mayo General Hospital in Castlebar on Tuesday.

While the siblings were given close due dates, they never expected their babies to share the same birthday.

“We never thought it would all happen on the one day,” says Fitzpatrick, who gave birth to her son first at 3:25 a.m. The new mom named him Thomás Óg.
At 11 a.m, Joeline welcomed her daughter, Sorcha, via C-section, and finally around 8:30 p.m., Bernie gave birth to her son Phelim.
“The two girls that delivered my little boy delivered Bernie’s boy as well,” Fitzpatrick said. “So two women delivered two cousins in 24 hours.”
The hospital staff was just as surprised by the remarkable coincidence as the sisters were.
“We're all talking about it... the fact that we have four sisters in and it's never happened, as far as we know anyway, going back some time,” said maternity manager Mary Salmon.
Christina Murray, the fourth sister, is now waiting for her little one to arrive. Her due date was on August 30.
“It was just so funny the way it happened really,” Fitzpatrick said. “It was my first, Joeline’s second and Bernie’s third and it’ll be Christina’s fourth.”
Source: The Irish Mirror

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Yahoo CEO plans on returning to work only 2 Weeks after Birth of Twin Girls

She sparked controversy in 2012 when she returned to work just 2 weeks after giving birth to her son. Now, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer plans on taking a short 2 week maternity leave again despite expecting twin girls.
Though the official maternity leave for Yahoo is 16 weeks, Marissa had this to say via her Tumblr page;
With great happiness, Zack and I have some exciting news to share – I’m pregnant! In fact, I’m expecting identical twin girls, likely arriving in December. The twins part was quite a surprise, because I have no family history of twins or any other predisposing factors. However, as I’ve now learned, identical twins occur by random chance in roughly 1 out of approximately every 300 pregnancies. Zack and I have embraced the surprise and are very excited about these new additions to our family.
Since my pregnancy has been healthy and uncomplicated and since this is a unique time in Yahoo’s transformation, I plan to approach the pregnancy and delivery as I did with my son three years ago, taking limited time away and working throughout. I’ve shared the news and my plans with Yahoo’s Board of Directors and my executive team, and they are incredibly supportive and happy for me. I want to thank them for all of their encouragement as well as their offers of help and continued support.
40 year old Mayer is one of the leading female CEOs in the world and her decision is once again sparking a major discussion. Some are commending her on not allowing her personal life interrupt her work while others are criticising her decision for setting unrealistic expectations for new mothers.