Sunday 17 April 2016

A Look At How Chrissy Teigen Styled Her Baby Bump


John Legend & Wife Chrissy Teigen’s Baby Girl is here!

Hollywood couple John Legend and Chrissy Teigen have welcomed their bundle of joy.
The baby girl, named Luna Simone Stephens, was actually born on Thursday, April 14th but the couple just revealed the great news today.

Chrissy Teigen shared the name of their baby girl and said “we are so in love with you. And sleepy. So sleepy”.
Congratulations to the new parents.

Friday 1 April 2016

Funny how this couple met.....


Dad played April Fools prank on his kids

Not funny dad

Tonto pictured with her mother-in-law and her son...

It's all good

Mum of 4 boys who always wanted girls spends £3100 on lifelike female dolls which she treats as her children

39 year old Leah Perry who always wanted daughters but ended having four boys spent around £3100 on five lifelike female dolls, which have realistic fingernails and hair. She also spends a fortune on clothes, toys and accessories on the dolls and calls them her daughters.
 Leah, 39, has been married to husband Chris for 13 years and has four sons – Christian, 13, Caden, 12, Cameron, 11, Caleb, 9. She said:

"I've had a maternal instinct from a very young age and I really wanted to replace some childhood dolls that I had lost over the years. I went online and started searching for baby dolls and came across these reborn dolls that looked real.
Although she said it was a "surreal experience" unpacking a box with a realistic looking baby inside, she was instantly hooked.
Two months later, she bought another doll, she now has five, who she has named Scarlette Winter, Emberleigh Elise, Harlow Annalise, Linleigh Michelle and Ava. 
The dolls come as plain body parts and Leah paints their faces. She said:
"I get to use the girls' names I would have had for my own daughters, and buy all the sweet clothes and bows for their hair. They fill in that missing part in my heart. I would love to have daughters, but I didn't - so now I have reborns.
"It's a very fulfilling thing because I can dress them in the way that I want. They are the daughters I never had."

Leah buys her doll daughters adorable tutus and dresses and also gathers hand-me-down garments from other reborn mums, who she meets on Instagram. She now paints dolls to sell to other women for £556 ($800).
She spends up to two-and-a-half weeks painting the skin and threading each individual mohair hair onto the babies' small heads.
"I really enjoy being able to give somebody else that joy of opening up that box with a baby inside," she said.
"It has a lot of meaning for them for whatever reason. They find it very comforting to have that outlet. I don't find my babies comforting, but I do think they are fun.
"I just made a baby with Down's Syndrome, which I thought was adorable. The woman who ordered the doll said she had a miscarriage where she believed the baby had the condition
However, though the reborn community is a tight-knit one, not everyone is a fan of Leah's hobby - and even her family are divided. While two of her boys adore the dolls and even take part in dressing them and holding them, her other two find them unnerving.  
She said:
  "My husband thinks they're a great hobby for me because he knows I love painting them and creating them for customers, and he knows it's a bit of me time. But he won't pick them up – he associates dolls with girls and he's a bit of a guy’s guy. I do get a lot of people who tell me that I'm crazy and that they're not real children. They don't understand that it's just role-play.

Oh No, They Didn't

Hope this is not a school textbook

first successful birth of a baby conceived from frozen egg in Nigeria

Nigeria's Medical Sector has reportedly recorded the first successful birth of a baby conceived from frozen egg of a 44-year-old woman, who had suffered infertility for eight years, making it the first in the country and West Africa.

According to Vanguard, the birth and conception of the baby, named Tiwatope, which is the 5001st in the world, was carried out by Nigerian fertility specialists at The Bridge Clinic in Lagos where the mother had her eggs frozen using the vitrification (flash-freezing) process.

Announcing the medical milestone, a fertility physician at the hospital, Dr Emmanuel Owie, said the birth of the baby on February 16th this year, has puts Nigeria on the global map as regards the practice of oocyte (egg) freezing or cryopreservation, a new offering in the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) space.

“Tiwatope’s mother had her eggs frozen for two months, using the vitrification, also known as flash-freezing, process. This is the cutting edge technology in cryobiology, where the eggs or oocytes of a woman is dehydrated and the water content is replaced with ‘anti-freeze’ solution (cryoprotectants) before freezing. This will prevent the formation of ice crystals which could destroy the cell. We fertilized the eggs using a standard technique known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to overcome the egg shell which normally gets hardened with freezing. The fertilized egg was subsequently transferred into her womb, resulting in the pregnancy with Tiwa. She had her antenatal care in her family hospital and delivered the baby boy through Caesarian Section. “he said
Dr Owie said egg freezing was particularly recommended for women diagnosed with cancer, who may lose their fertility during chemotherapy; women with a family history of early menopause; women with objections to storing frozen embryos for religious and/or moral reasons; and women who want to delay child-bearing in order to pursue some personal goals.

BMW creates specially designed boots to stop babies from falling

Watching your adorable tot take a tumble is an agonising sight for mothers but thanks to BMW, your grief is at an end. The German car manufacturer has come up with xDrive boots designed to stop babies under three years old from falling.

Using revolutionary technology, BMW’s unique traction controls sole features adaptive rubber which can react in a tenth of a second to varying surfaces and conditions.
 The boots have been created with a lightweight construction to enable increased flexibility and movement of the foot and extra support as well as an aerodynamic design to improve dynamic movement and mobility.

Joss Fülin, Head of Product Fabrication, said: "BMW entered the all-wheel drive segment more than three decades ago, and although this specific technology is still in its infancy, we see potential in the baby footwear category as a growing segment.

"The BMW xDrive Baby Boots provide the perfect combination of practicality and maximum walking pleasure."

Mother arrested for allowing her 3 children to get tattoos

A 31 year old mother instructed her three children who are all under 13 to get tattoos on their ankles. The tattoos were inked on the minors by their mum's boyfriend's brother who is a registered sex offender.
According to KTBC, the children’s father noticed the tattoos after he picked them up from their mother's house.

The kids got tattoos of an infinity sign, a cross and a heart with an arrow through it. Their father immediately reported it to the Police.
When asked by police, the children said their mum told them to get the tattoos but not to whine or cry about it and that she was also allegedly drunk when she gave consent.

The children’s father is now seeking for primary custody.

Weir was arrested for tattoos prohibited for minors, which is a misdemeanor.

She has been arrested in the past for 3 Driving Under the Influence, 1 driving without a valid license, 1 resisting arrest and 2 public intoxication.

Tatyana Ali engaged, expecting first Child With Fiancé

Fresh Prince of Bel Air actress Tatyana Ali is engaged and expecting her first child with her fiancé Dr. Vaughn Raspberry. During her interview with ET, the 37 year old actress shared that she met Vaughn on an online dating site about a year and a half ago.. She said:

“Vaughn and I met on eHarmony!” she told ET. “It was my first time dating online. We wrote letters for months before we decided to Skype. And then, of course, met.’
She said she was on a 45-minute hike in the Redwoods [in Yosemite, California with her fiancé when he got down on one knee in a “picturesque clearing,” and popped the question.
“Just the two of us,” Ali added. “It was so thoughtful and perfect. We’re best friends.”
She added:
“Planning our wedding has been so exciting, but when we found out we were expecting, our perspective shifted completely,”. “We want our ceremony to really celebrate our newest blessing! Plus, I have the best wedding planner, Michael Russo. He’s making everything so fun and stress free!”