Thursday 30 July 2015

Palestinian prisoner becomes a father after smuggling out his sperm to his wife

A Palestinian man serving a 27 year prison sentence in Israel became a father of twins recently after smuggling out his sperm to his wife.

Source: Israel News Flash 

Monday 27 July 2015

Reality star Coco Austin is expecting her first child with husband Ice T

Glamour model Coco Austin is pregnant and expecting her first child with husband of 15 years, Ice-T. Ice-T already has 2 kids from a previous relationship and a 20-year-old grandson, but Coco always wanted a kid and her prayers have been anwered after 12 years of marriage. No word yet on how far along she is or the gender of the baby. Congrats to the couple.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Tiwa Savage and Husband Tunji ‘Tee Billz’ Balogun Welcome Their Newborn Son

Tiwa Savage just welcomed her first child - a son. She gave birth today July 22 at St Mary's Hospital in London.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Nigerian Teen girls win international award with their waste disposal app

Five teen Nigerian girls won the Technovation international app challenge with their creation, a community waste disposal app. The girls, Praise David-Oku, Sonam Kumar, Nmesoma Ogbonna, Charlotte Takem and Grace Akpoiroro, all from Cross River State, and call themselves Team Charis, beat 10 girl teams from different countries. They went home with $10 000 cash prize

The competition challenges girls from the ages of 10 to 18 to build a mobile app that will address a community problem and submit it in the elementary or high school category.

“We first met in high school as classmates and met again at the iKapture Afterschool Academy where we decided to take up the challenge of programming for the first time. Despite our diverse backgrounds, we have dedicated ourselves to doing this project because of our collective interest in creating positive change in our communities” the girls wrote on their blog.

Team Charis used the MIT App Inventor platform to create the Discardious Android app. Congrats to them

Singer Omawumi has given birth to her second child - a baby boy.

Omawumi welcomed her bundle of joy in the early hours of today in a hospital in the US.
Mother and son are said to be doing great. This is the second child for Omawumi and her husband, Tosin Yusuf. Big congrats to them. 

Monday 6 July 2015

Twin boys, one with dark skin, the other white

When Bobby and Riley George were born 30 minutes apart with light skin, curly hair and brown eyes there was no doubting they were twins but 6 weeks later, both boys' appearances started to change differently. Bobby now has light skin and blue eyes and Riley brown eyes and dark skin.
When they first found out that Miss Tongue was expecting twins, doctors said there was a one-in-a-million chance that the babies, created by two separate eggs, would have a different skin tone.
And when they were born in October 2011 at West Middlesex University Hospital in Isleworth, West London, they virtually looked identical.
When Bobby and Riley George were born 30 minutes apart with light skin, curly hair and brown eyes there was no doubting they were twins.
But four years on, the boys couldn't be different as Bobby has blue eyes and a light complexion while Riley's skin and hair is dark like his father's.
The twins, from Feltham, West London, were born to mother Abigail Tongue, 22, who is white and father Richard George, 26, who is of mixed race.
Their personalities also developed differently with Bobby becoming very independent and active and Riley more laid-back and clingy.
Mr George said 'When she was pregnant we'd joke how one could be black like me and another white like Abbie but we never thought it would happen.'
But despite their adorable appearance, the boys' mother Miss Tongue says she has had strange looks in the street and people asking if she is just babysitting Riley or if Mr George is actually their father.
Even two years ago when Bobby broke his leg, staff at the West Middlesex Hospital did not believe the boys were twins and checked Miss Tongue's medical records to be sure.
She also told the newspaper: 'I couldn't believe I had two different coloured babies.
'It's so uncomfortable and awkward because they are insinuating I've had an affair. It can be quite upsetting, people not believing your child is yours.'
The couple also have a 17-month-old daughter called Amelia who's complexion is a combination of both of her parents.
Miss Tongue added: 'We're a special family, our two boys show that. The doctors said they're one in a million - and I agree.'
 Source: UK Mirror

Prince George wears almost Identical Outfit to Father Prince William when he was a Boy

Prince William (Left) | Prince George (Right)

Almost 2-year-old Prince George attended the christening of his sister Princess Charlotte yesterday in King’s Lynn, England and he had on the cutest outfit – an outfit that is very similar to the one Prince William wore while leaving St. Mary’s Hospital after visiting his newborn brother Prince Harry was on September 16, 1984.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Sunday 5 July 2015

Nollywood actress poses completely nude for pregnancy photo shoot

Nollywood actress and video vixen Dior Chidera Adiele showed off her baby bump by posing completely nude in a new photo shoot.

Twins give birth to their first babies on the same day

Twin sisters Katie Bowden and Amy Meredith-Davies have done everything together their whole lives but never imagined that they would give birth same day, just hours before their 30th birthday

"We’ve done everything in our lives at similar times,” said Amy, a health, social care and wellbeing facilitator who lives in Neath. "Our family are used to it. We got married within a year of each other too. Katie got married in June 2012 and I was married in August 2013.I just can’t get over the fact that we fell pregnant at the same time."
The twins welcomed their children on June 10th.
"It was bizarre because I was in labour and had a message from my mother saying Amy was being induced,” said Katie. “But still I thought that would be the next day. It was really funny because when my mum came to visit she would tell the midwife that she now had to leave to see my twin who was also having a baby. Everyone thought it was amazing.”
Source: UK Mirror 

Saturday 4 July 2015

Karen Igho welcomes son

Karen Igho welcomed her son at the Mount Sinai Roosevelt hospital in New York this morning July 4th.
Happy for you sweetie, enjoy motherhood!

Malawian chief annuls 300 child marriages, send kids to school

A Malawian traditional leader has taken it upon herself to discourage the prevalence of child marriages within her constituency.

Senior Chief Inkosi Kachindamoto annulled over 300 marriages, thereby applying the country’s new laws regarding child marriage. In April, President Peter Mutharika signed into a law a ban on child marriage, setting the minimum age requirement for marriage in the country at 18.
“I have terminated 330 marriages of which 175 were girl-wives and 155 were boy-fathers, I wanted them to go to school and that has worked,” she told Nyasa Times, “I don’t want youthful marriages, they must go to school…no child should be found loitering at home or doing household chores during school time.

Malawi has one of the highest incidents of child marriage in the world with 1 in 2 girls getting married before the age of 18. The practice is closely linked to poverty where, in the rural areas, girls are married off to improve their families’ financial situations.

Source: Nyasa Times

Students From Switzerland Invent A Wheelchair That Can... Wait For It... Climb Stairs

What may seem like an easy climb up the stairs for you might be unattainable for those who are in a wheelchair. Well, the Scalevo wheelchair is about to change just that.

The wheelchair is a project of ten Swiss students that started back in the summer of 2014. Consisting of eight Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and two Industrial Design at Zurich University of the Arts, the team of youngsters aim to improve lives of people with disabilities around the world.

"Our goal is to build an electric wheelchair which is able to climb stairs," their website explains. "Moving on the ground is accomplished with a Segway-like system by balancing on the two main wheels."

The project was started by Beni Winter, an engineering student, who initially wanted to develop a robot that's capable of climbing stairs. Soon enough it become a project of the way greater importance.

The wheelchair can currently climb one stair a second and even negotiate spiral staircases.

3rd Anniversary: Konga to Train Children on Computer Programming as CSR

Nigeria’s largest online mall, has kick-started its 3rd year anniversary celebrations with the announcement that it will partner Audax Solutions to train the next generation of computer programmers at the Audax Code School. Beneficiaries of the Konga grant ages 9 – 16, will be selected by Audax from Public schools, orphanages and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 
Audax Code School is an initiative of Audax Solutions which provides in-depth introduction to computer programming skills based on the fundamentals of web and mobile apps development. With the program, the children will be provided an in-depth introduction to computer programming skills based on the fundamentals of web and mobile apps development. 
Olatomiwa Akande, Konga’s Head of PR made the disclosure, and noted that the initiative is in line with the company’s vision ‘To utilise internet and mobile technologies to create a pan African platform that enables trade and commerce for millions of sellers and buyers...”.

Friday 3 July 2015

9 year old Nigerian girl writes a book on Terrorism

9 year old girl Splendour Joe Abisoye has written a book on terrorism which she titled 'Effects of Terrorism on Children'. Little Miss Splendour presented her book to the Director, Defence Information, Major General Chris Olukolade in Abuja yesterday July 2nd.
In the book, Splendour shared her experience when she visited an IDP camp in the North and what some of the children there told her. 
Splendour was accompanied to the Army Headquarters by her parents Rev. and Mrs Joe King Abisoye. Receiving the book, Gen Olukolade applauded her for writing it.

Thursday 2 July 2015

9 Year Old Nigerian-German Girl Wins VR Bank Art Competition

Meet 9-year-old Nigerian-German artist, Chioma Mayrschofer, who took part in VR-Bank’s art competition through her school. Not only did she win, she also got a chance to display her work at an art exhibition at one of Germany’s biggest banks. In addition, she won some prize money.
Diamond Celebrities reports that she didn’t think she would win the competition.

“When they mentioned the third and second winners and my name wasn’t  mentioned, I lost hope and was very disappointed knowing that I should at least gotten the second position… As they said the first position goes to, Icared less, but surprisingly it was me…when my name was mentioned I leaped up with joy… I am so happy and so grateful to God,” Chioma said.