Saturday 4 July 2015

Students From Switzerland Invent A Wheelchair That Can... Wait For It... Climb Stairs

What may seem like an easy climb up the stairs for you might be unattainable for those who are in a wheelchair. Well, the Scalevo wheelchair is about to change just that.

The wheelchair is a project of ten Swiss students that started back in the summer of 2014. Consisting of eight Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and two Industrial Design at Zurich University of the Arts, the team of youngsters aim to improve lives of people with disabilities around the world.

"Our goal is to build an electric wheelchair which is able to climb stairs," their website explains. "Moving on the ground is accomplished with a Segway-like system by balancing on the two main wheels."

The project was started by Beni Winter, an engineering student, who initially wanted to develop a robot that's capable of climbing stairs. Soon enough it become a project of the way greater importance.

The wheelchair can currently climb one stair a second and even negotiate spiral staircases.

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