Sunday 25 October 2015

Stephanie Linus has given birth to a Baby Boy!

Congrats to Nollywood actress Stephanie Linus and her husband Linus Idahosa.

The new mum posted this on her Instagram page!

Saturday 17 October 2015

Mum spends £20k turning toddler into beauty queen

A 23 year single mum, Jas Sullivan, has splurged over $30,000 transforming her 22-month-old daughter into a beauty queen.
She dresses her 22 month old,  Minnie-Beau in $20,000 worth of designer clothes and even makes her wear hair extensions and full make-up for pageants.
 Her flamboyant beauty pageant costumes including a corset-style dress
and a ruffled two-piece bikini and the tot is dripping in over $2,000 worth of gold jewellery.
 Now Minnie-Beau is making a name for herself on the beauty pageant scene with her trademark pout setting her apart from her rivals.
Jas said:

 “I’ve been accused of sexualising my daughter but the people that say that are the ones with the sick thoughts – that doesn’t even enter my mind.
“It’s just like a dance competition – you get marked on your routines, your outfits and your make up too.
“I’ve spent probably around the price mark of twenty thousand pounds on Minnie and she’s worth every penny.
Minnie took part in her first competition when she was just 18 months old after Jas saw a TV show about pageants.
And the youngster dazzled the judges with her hair and eyelash extensions and £600 worth of outfits.
Her make-up regime included blusher, eyebrow pencil and coral lipstick and her tiny nails were painted a brilliant white.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Woman gives birth while on a plane flying from Taiwan to LA

The unnamed 32-weeks pregnant woman was flying from her home country of Taiwan to Los Angeles with China Airlines when she went into labour. According to reports, when her water broke six hours into the 19-hour flight, panicked staff called for medical assistance on the flight. Fortunately, a doctor responded and was able to successfully deliver the baby girl while being filmed.
Amira Rajput, a passenger on same flight who filmed the video praised the new mother. "The woman is tough as nails," Amira Rajput told ABC. "People were super quiet and calm so that this woman could have a stress-free experience."

The plane then made an emergency landing at the Ted Stevens International Airport in Anchorage, Alaska, where mother and daughter were taken to hospital.
The plane continued its journey to Los Angeles, after being refuelled. Both mother and child are reported to be in a good condition.The nationality of the baby girl will depend upon the birth certificate issued by the Anchorage hospital as she was born in US airspace but on-board a Republic of China aircraft. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Mariah Carey and her lovely Twins

Mariah Carey enjoying autumn with her adorable twins.
The little girl is a cutiee
Aww sweet kiss from her son

Baby Born 4 Months Early Beats Several Odds to Clock 3

Hope Prestleton was born four months early in February, 2012, weighing just 1lb 11oz. She was so tiny doctors said she may not survive or grow up disabled, and had to keep her warm by swaddling her in a bubble wrap. She has now defied the odds by growing into a quite healthy 3-year-old.
According to Mirror UK, her mum, Tracie, was admitted for monitoring three days prior to her birth after her waters leaked, and eventually welcomed her via an emergency caesarean section.

Recounting the experience, her thrilled mum, 32, said: “When I saw Hope for the first time she was so small. Doctors said because she came so early she was in a lot of danger and there was a risk she might not survive at all. If she did survive she could end up disabled…they took her away to check her. Doctors said she didn’t need to be ventilated as she was really strong and could breathe on her own. I thought: ‘that’s good,’ but they said it was very unusual. Everyone called her a miracle.

Hope’s heart slowed down and stopped several times but while doctors tried to interfere she recovered within seconds. She was only on a ventilator for nine days whereas other babies born around 25 weeks tend to be on them for months. She was well enough to leave the hospital three weeks earlier than planned too. Other premature babies born when Hope was stayed in for months longer than her. We were scared about bringing her home. We thought: ‘will something happen to her now?’ We worried things would go down-hill unexpectedly, but nurses said she was above average.”
Now, Hope is doing so well, enjoying lots of bonding time with her family, especially her 5-year-old brother, Alex, and has recently started nursery school.

Monday 12 October 2015

Gabrielle Union speaks candidly about her battle to conceive

42 year old actress Gabrielle Union has a lot going on in her life, with a career that's going strong and a marriage to her basketball player Husband- Dwayne Wade, that keeps her smiling.
And while she doesn't yet have children of her own, she believes it's important that she and other women don't feel guilty about that. And they shouldn't give up.

"If you happen to have issues with fertility as you've gotten older and you happen to have a career, all is not lost," she explained during a Monday morning visit to TODAY. "There is so much hope, there are so many options."
In an interview with Redbook last month, Union, who's married to NBA star Dwyane Wade, said, "So far, it has not happened for us. A lot of my friends deal with struggles to have a baby. There's a certain amount of shame that is placed on women who have perhaps chosen a career over starting a family younger."
But on TODAY, Union stressed how important it is not to feel that shame.

"Fertility is an issue, period," she said, speaking for women in general, rather than herself. "Having a career is not the price you pay for any ill."
'I was actually not talking about IVF for me personally, but more of just in general,' Gabrielle responded. 
'Most of my friends who have done IVF aren't women in their 40's - women in their 20's and 30's.'
"I think TV shows and films kind of make out that the frigid, single-focused career woman, that her career is the root of all problems in her life," she said. 'Can't find a man, it's the career. Marriage falls apart, it's the career!...and that's just not the case.' 

Union is stepmother to her Husband- Dwayne Wade's three children.

Tiniest bride has her dream wedding with her over 6ft tall groom

31 year old Amanda Fyfe had been born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a severe form of brittle bone disease, that stunted her growth at 2ft 8in.
Doctors even warned her devastated parents Geoff and Diana Moore that she was unlikely to live through the night after she was born. So getting married and having children were never really on Amanda’s radar.

Until she met 6ft 1in Steven who is 25 years old. She had never dared dream of saying “I do” in a church full of family and friends, but as her new husband carried her onto the dancefloor for their first dance, she realised she had finally found her happy ever after.
And, as he carried her on to the dancefloor to their favourite song – Heaven by DJ Sammy – Amanda realised her condition made her no different to any other happy bride on their big day.

She said:“It sounds cheesy but I really have found Heaven with Steven.
“When I was younger, I was so scared I wouldn’t be able to find a boyfriend because of my size. "But all my dreams have come true and I’ve met the perfect man. He’s never cared about my height and loves me the way I am.”
Although she was unable to stand on her big day it was proud dad Geoff who walked alongside her as she made her way down the aisle in her wheelchair to marry Steven.
Geoff said: “I’m very proud of what she has achieved. When I saw her looking amazing in her wedding dress, I was overwhelmed. It was one of the proudest moments of my life.”
The couple first met in 2007 when they worked for a taxi firm, but they did not date for two years.
Amanda said:

“At first, he irritated me. He was really sarcastic and always making silly jokes. But I warmed to him and we eventually agreed to go out. “I invited him round to mine. I didn’t want to go to the pub and have everyone staring at us because he was so much taller.
“First dates are stressful enough.
“I’d had a few relationships, but when I was younger I’d worried that I wouldn’t find a long-term partner as I looked different from all of my friends.
“We watched a film but he was quite shy and didn’t kiss me. I had to make the first move the next time we met up. "I joke that if I hadn’t, we still wouldn’t have got together as he’s so laid back. “We then started going out for dinner and going to pubs and clubs after we’d had a few dates at home. Some people looked at us, but we just ignored them.
“His mum was actually my boss at the taxi firm where we worked so I was a bit scared of what she would say when we got together. But she was really nice.
“I made Steven wait four weeks before we slept together. I was nervous, but he made me feel really at ease and comfortable and it was great.”
Amanda added:
“Steven and I are just like any other couple. We have a good sex life and I feel more relaxed with him than with previous boyfriends.
“Although my bones break easily, it’s not dangerous. He makes me feel really comfortable and he’s gentle.”
Three months later, Amanda who had been told she would never have children, was shocked to find out she was pregnant.
She said: “It occurred to me to take a pregnancy test. I had always been told it wasn’t possible for me to have children, so when I saw that it was positive I was in floods
of tears.

“When I discovered I was expecting Aidan, I was in total shock. "I worried Steven would run a mile as he was only 18 and we hadn’t been together long but he really stepped up to the plate. That’s when I knew he was The One.”
Aidan, now six, is already taller than mum at 3ft 2in and acted as ring bearer as well as page boy and at the couple’s church wedding in Oakham, Rutland, in July.

In May 2012, Steven, who now works in purchasing for a plastics factory, proposed over a romantic dinner at home.
“At first, I thought he was joking but then I said yes straight away,” Amanda said. “He didn’t buy me a ring as he knew anything he chose would be too big for me. We went shopping soon afterwards and picked out a ring with a solitaire diamond specially resized.”
After setting a date Amanda asked sister and bridesmaid, Amy Rowan, 34, to help her choose her wedding dress.
She said:
“I tried lots of dresses and most looked ridiculous. Some of the bodices were so big, you couldn’t see my head.
“But then I picked out a gorgeous, strapless ivory gown and I fell in love with it. It was huge but the sales assistant said I could have it altered and the train cut off. “I don’t get teary often, but I had a lump in my throat when I looked in the mirror. It was a moment I never thought I’d see.
It was a big moment for my dad,” “He’d been told I wouldn’t live more than a few hours and now I’ve given him a grandson and he’s got to walk with me down the aisle.”
However, the day was tinged with sadness due to the absence of Amanda’s mother, Diana, who died from kidney failure in 2009.
Amanda said:
“I’m not emotional, but I broke down a few days before the wedding because it was so hard to accept my mum wouldn’t be there. "She would have been so proud. “She was my rock and best friend. Thanks to her, I had a happy childhood and was able to take my health problems in my stride. She always told me I was beautiful.
“In the end, I had a brooch made with her picture on it and my dad sat it next to him during the ceremony.
“When we were driving to the church in the wedding car no one could see me through the window as I’m so small. "My dad joked that people would think the bride had gone missing.”
Steven, 25, admits that he was blown away when he saw his new wife.
“Amanda looked beautiful. It was a magical day. The height difference has never been an issue to me and I’ve always said Amanda is out of my league. “When we’re out together I joke people must be wondering how I managed to pull someone as gorgeous as her.
“I love her eyes and her smile but she’s beautiful on the inside, too. Amanda has always made me laugh.
"She’s got a great sense of humour and that’s the first thing I noticed about her – not her height. “I was only 16 when we first met at work and I remember her having this really infectious laugh.
"Even though she’s small, she’s got such a presence when she comes into a room.”
Now the couple are looking to the future, and won’t rule out more children.
Amanda said:
“My health has been good over the past few years. I haven’t had a broken bone for nearly four years. "But it might be a bit risky to go through another pregnancy, though, especially as we have Aidan to consider.
“I loved being pregnant but I had to be monitored constantly and I couldn’t give birth naturally as my body would have been too small to cope with labour.”
She added:
“We’re looking at other options and we’re considering adoption, as we’d love to give Aidan a brother or a sister. We have so much love to give as a family.
“Aidan takes everything in his stride. When he was a bit younger, he would ask me why people were staring at us all the time. “Apart from the fact that I’m a bit smaller than most mums, we are just a totally normal family.”

John Legend and wife Chrissy Tiegen expecting their first child!

Congratulations to John Legend and his wife Chrissy Teigen who both announced that they are pregnant and expecting their first child together!

Chrissy said this on instagram:

Thursday 8 October 2015

Too Cute! Darey Art-Alade & Family in Lovely Portrait

Darey Art-Alade and his family look picture perfect in this photo he shared on Instagram.
The music star, his wife and their two kids were all smiles as they posed in white outfits for a family portrait.

He captioned “When asked the question, “What Makes you happy”, my response is simply – Family. My family has been such a tremendous support system in my life’s journey. My wonderful wife who has been my backbone of love and support, and who continues to push me to be a better person each day. My kids, who never cease to put a smile in my heart, and who believe that their father is Super Man (still looking for a cape that actually works lol) I am thankful to have them in my life, and I wake up each day looking forward to being the best husband and dad to my family – More than family, they are my biggest fans!”

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Woman Gives Birth To India’s Heaviest Baby Described As A ‘Miracle’

A woman, Goga Bai, has given birth to the heaviest baby in India who weighs a staggering 5.970kg (13.16 pounds).
According to the Mirror, the baby who has not been named, was born through caesarean section at a government hospital in Sri Ganganagar area of Rajasthan in western India.

Speaking on the birth of the child, Dr Anamika Aggarwal, who was one of the four doctors who delivered the child, referred to him as a ‘miracle baby ‘.
She said: “I have never delivered any new-born this big. He was definitely a surprise for us. He is not only the biggest baby ever born at the hospital but in the whole country. His mother tried to give him a normal birth but the baby was too big to come out naturally and got stuck so we had to perform the C-section with utmost care. Both the mother and the child are in sound health. Initially he had respiratory trouble but now he is doing absolutely fine and is healthy.”
Dr Anamika, believes that Goga Bai who weighs 100kg and is a diabetic patient, may have caused her child’s obesity.
She said: “The mother is a diabetic patient. In cases where the mother is diabetic, her child develops the risk of obesity. Though no congenital anomaly has been detected in the child, we are keeping both him and his mother under observation and would discharge them after a week.”
Before now, the heaviest baby in India was a girl who weighed 5.9kg. Normal birth weight for babies in the country is 3kg.

Uche Jombo’s Son is Super Cute! Lands his First Magazine Cover with her for WOW! Mag

Uche Jombo Rodriguez and her cute son, Matthew Kenny Chinedu, are on the cover of WOW magazine’s latest issue.
The Nollywood actress looks gorgeous on the cover styled in an Ejiro Amos Tafiri wrap dress while she holds her baby boy.
She shared some photos from the shoot on social media and they are truly aww-worthy.
In the magazine she talks about the loss of her first pregnancy, her 14-hour induced labour to birth Matthew, and complications that led to an emergency Caesarean section.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Matilda Obaseki shares lovely family photo


Mum's breastfeeding selfie has gone viral for shaming people who stare at her disapprovingly

A mum's breastfeeding selfie has gone viral for shaming people who stare at her disapprovingly and reported her to facebook for posting such photos on her own page.
Jennifer posted a photo showing that Facebook alerted her that someone had reported her breastfeeding selfie for nudity.

She wrote: "So y'all post half naked pics but want to report a pic of me breastfeeding my child? Hilarious."
Jennifer Taylor then posted a photo of her staring into the camera while breastfeeding her young daughter.
She posted the photo on Facebook and captioned it:
"My face when people stare at me feeding my child.
"Females walk around with their titties damn near popping out their shirt for attention, but the moment I pull my breast out to feed my daughter it's a problem?
"Mind your own tits b*****s and let me nourish my daughter."