Wednesday 7 October 2015

Woman Gives Birth To India’s Heaviest Baby Described As A ‘Miracle’

A woman, Goga Bai, has given birth to the heaviest baby in India who weighs a staggering 5.970kg (13.16 pounds).
According to the Mirror, the baby who has not been named, was born through caesarean section at a government hospital in Sri Ganganagar area of Rajasthan in western India.

Speaking on the birth of the child, Dr Anamika Aggarwal, who was one of the four doctors who delivered the child, referred to him as a ‘miracle baby ‘.
She said: “I have never delivered any new-born this big. He was definitely a surprise for us. He is not only the biggest baby ever born at the hospital but in the whole country. His mother tried to give him a normal birth but the baby was too big to come out naturally and got stuck so we had to perform the C-section with utmost care. Both the mother and the child are in sound health. Initially he had respiratory trouble but now he is doing absolutely fine and is healthy.”
Dr Anamika, believes that Goga Bai who weighs 100kg and is a diabetic patient, may have caused her child’s obesity.
She said: “The mother is a diabetic patient. In cases where the mother is diabetic, her child develops the risk of obesity. Though no congenital anomaly has been detected in the child, we are keeping both him and his mother under observation and would discharge them after a week.”
Before now, the heaviest baby in India was a girl who weighed 5.9kg. Normal birth weight for babies in the country is 3kg.

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