Wednesday 30 March 2016

This Adorable Boy Decided To Take A Nap Right In The Middle Of His Baby Race

First of all, yes, baby racing is apparently a thing.
To celebrate family day last night, the Sacramento Kings took a brief break from basketball to bring some slightly smaller athletes to the court.

Parents of “the fastest crawlers in Sacramento” lined up their babies and encouraged them to shuffle their little, tiny legs as fast as they could toward the finish line.
Some babies just immediately started crying, which is honestly probably what I would do with all those people staring at me. Some just took a seat and didn’t move at all. But two babies, Landon and Gemma, really took off.

It was looking like a tight race — anyone’s game, really. Landon took a slight lead until he realized something very important: Napping is way better than racing!

Gideon Yobo & Wife, Blessing, Share on Son’s Miracle Birth

Gideon Yobo, the younger brother of footballer, Joseph Yobo, and his wife, Blessing, who got married in June, 2015 in Liverpool, share on their first child, Caleb’s miracle birth.
Blessing, 23, had been diagnosed of Lupus, an incurable illness affecting the immune system and was advised not to get pregnant as it might endanger her health.
Despite warning, she got pregnant and when her pregnancy was 10 weeks old, she was admitted to the hospital.
She was advised by her doctor in the UK to get rid of the pregnancy as the baby would not survive beyond 14 weeks.
”The doctors suggested we should think of stopping the pregnancy, but we both decided beforehand that whatever happens, whatever the risks, we would carry on. We just knew it would not end up in disaster and put our trust in God. Everyone was shocked when she got to 20 weeks, and then we just carried on,” Gideon revealed in an interview with Telegraph & Argus.
Doctors at the BRI monitored Blessing very closely throughout her pregnancy, and despite periods where they admitted she had been ”very ill”, she was successfully induced at 37 weeks.
Gideon added,
”When Caleb was born, everything was just perfect. They did tests on him, some of them, three or four times, and the doctors couldn`t believe he had come out fine. Some people would have given up, but we were determined not to. We held on to our faith and beliefs and followed our gut instinct. She is doing fine, and Caleb is just fantastic. We registered him the other day and the medical records are flawless, everything is Ok. I always knew he would be a Miracle baby, and that`s what the doctors said he was. They said they could not believe our determination and belief, but Caleb just shows that miracles do happen.”

The Projects manager at the Essex-based charity, an NGO dedicated to the research of Lupus said,
”The risks for complications during the pregnancy, such as a miscarriage, are real. If the Lupus is active, there is an increased chance of a flare-up during pregnancy, which can lead to foetal loss and the mother risking her own health. We would advise people not to get pregnant until their Lupus is under control.
We would not advise high-risk pregnancies with active Lupus, as having a healthy mum and baby is definitely against the odds, especially for someone with kidney problems. But stories like this do happen, and they are wonderful to hear.”
Gideon revealed his wife is now making a full recovery at home.

When Love Is The Height

Just got married
Happy married life

Baby Boom Live In Kirikiri Prison

The kirikiri prison officials in Lagos have revealed that 8 babies are currently living in the female prison with their mothers while 9 other inmates are pregnant, an official said.

According to DAILYTRUST, the Director and Directorate of Citizens Right (DCR), Lagos State Ministry of Justice, Omotilewa Ibirogba disclosed this while leading officials on a welfare check to the prison and also to decongest the prisons.

According to Omotilewa, there are currently 222 inmates, in which 175 are awaiting trial, 43 have been convicted, 2 inmates are serving life sentences and 2 inmates have been sentenced to death.
She added, ”there are also 8 babies who are living with their mothers currently, while 9 other inmates are pregnant.”

She spoke on the future of the 8 babies explaining as soon as they are 24 months old, they would be taken away from their mothers and handed to appointed relations of their mothers to nurture them.
Mrs Omotilewa also said, ”Our findings revealed that a lot of the inmates already have legal representations and have been granted bail by the courts but have not been able to perfect other bail conditions. There are plans by my Directorate to provide free legal services to those whose cases are not going on well in the courts, while applications will be filed to vary bail conditions for those already granted bail by the courts.

”Contrary to what was obtained in the past, the inmates looked neat, healthy, well fed and had no rashes on their bodies.”
NAN reports that the team donated some toiletries to the prison.

35 Year Old Dad Aims To Have 100 Children

Jan Mohammad, a 43-year-old man who already has 21 daughters and 14 sons from three wives has revealed he wants to father up to 100 children to enable him gain access into heaven.
DAWN reports Jan, a doctor and trader who lives with his family in a mud-brick house in a poor village in Quetta, said he is ready to marry a fourth wife to speed up his quest.
”My target is 100 children. The bigger the family, the better. I hope to find a fourth wife I can marry soon. Thank God I am able to manage the growing expenditure of my family. I spend about Rs100,000 (in Naira, 299,300) a month on family expenditures.
I want to have 100 children, as the prophet had said that those who increase the number of followers (of Islam) will never go to hell. By the grace of God, my children will help me go to heaven…My aim is to educate my kids well ,” he told the Pakistan newspaper.
He admits that he cannot remember his children`s names but he is happy to have a house full of children as he loves playing with kids.
The ages of his children range from 1-week to almost 16-years-old.
Shagufta Nasreen, his eldest daughter said, ”We, the girls have outnumbered the boys.”

11 Year Old Lands Million Dollar Deal With Whole Foods

Meet Mikaila Ulmer. She’s an 11 year-old entrepreneur that just landed a million dollar deal with Whole Foods for her natural lemonade.
Ulmer was featured on the show ” Shark Tank” last when she she won $60,000 for her BeeSweet lemonade business. Ever since then, she’s taken off! Along with her mother, she decided to research bees to learn more about why bees are becoming endangered.
Instead of using sugar, she decided to use honey as a sweetener. While she is afraid of bees, she wants to save them.
According to NBC, Mikaila Ulmer used her grandmother’s recipe to create the lemonade that will be sold in 55 Whole Food stores. In addition to her distribution deal with Whole Foods, she also has one with United Natural Foods.
In addition to being a student, Ulmer plans to lead workshops on how to save bees. She also wants to visit South Africa to teach little girls about being entrepreneurship.
Mikaila has been to the White House to meet President Obama and First Lady Obama at the Kid’s State dinner.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Pokello, Elikem and their baby

Elikem and Pokello got married in June last year and welcomed their daughter in December last year. They are presently on a family holiday in Dubai.
Pokello with her son Nathan and daughter. 

Pregnant Woman Applying Full-face Make up While In Labour.

A 27 year old woman from New York, Alaha Karimi shared photos of her, applying full-face make up while in labour.
The New York based professional beautician has said that she wanted to look all glam to welcome her daughter into the world.
According to her, “Three weeks ago at this time I was finishing up my make-up and getting ready for my princess to make her appearance. Yes, I was doing my make-up while I was in labor!”
“I was pausing during contractions and picking up where I left off once the contractions passed. I only packed some of my favorite products in my hospital bag…” she continued.

She also put up another photo of her hubby helping her out when the contractions got stronger than her make-up passion.