Wednesday 30 March 2016

35 Year Old Dad Aims To Have 100 Children

Jan Mohammad, a 43-year-old man who already has 21 daughters and 14 sons from three wives has revealed he wants to father up to 100 children to enable him gain access into heaven.
DAWN reports Jan, a doctor and trader who lives with his family in a mud-brick house in a poor village in Quetta, said he is ready to marry a fourth wife to speed up his quest.
”My target is 100 children. The bigger the family, the better. I hope to find a fourth wife I can marry soon. Thank God I am able to manage the growing expenditure of my family. I spend about Rs100,000 (in Naira, 299,300) a month on family expenditures.
I want to have 100 children, as the prophet had said that those who increase the number of followers (of Islam) will never go to hell. By the grace of God, my children will help me go to heaven…My aim is to educate my kids well ,” he told the Pakistan newspaper.
He admits that he cannot remember his children`s names but he is happy to have a house full of children as he loves playing with kids.
The ages of his children range from 1-week to almost 16-years-old.
Shagufta Nasreen, his eldest daughter said, ”We, the girls have outnumbered the boys.”

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