Monday 15 December 2014

Dress-Up Relay Family Fun Game

Have some old clothes lying around? Play this dress-up game! All you need are two suitcases or bags filled with dress-up clothes. Teams or even just a parent and a preschooler can face off, racing each other to try on the funniest outfit, including one of each item of clothing (don't forget a silly hat!).

Fill two suitcases or boxes with equal amounts of clothing. The clothes must be big enough to fit all the players. Place the suitcases or boxes at one end of the room.

Divide the players into two equal teams. Have the teams form two lines at the end of the room opposite the suitcases.
 At the word go, the first player from each team runs to one of the suitcases or boxes and dons all the clothes in it over the clothes he's already wearing. Decide ahead of time whether buttons, zippers, and so on must be fastened.
When a player is completely dressed, he then quickly removes all the dress-up clothes, puts them back in the suitcase or box, and runs to the end of his team's line.
The next player then takes a turn and so on until everyone on the team has had a turn. The first team to finish wins.

Photo Credit: Google images
Source: Family Education

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