Thursday 11 June 2015

Dad Delivers Wife Of Baby As She Falls Into Early Labour

Matthew Coughlan, 31, ended up delivering his wife of their baby by himself after his wife’s early labour crushed their initial home birth plan. Matthew unexpectedly found himself delivering the baby on the landing of their home as their midwife guided him through the birthing process over the phone. The midwife arrived 20 minutes after the delivery to find mum and dad bonding with their new arrival, Naomi Mei Wei, weighing a healthy 8lb 7oz.

Matthew said: “The plan was that the midwife would come over, we’d light some candles, get the chilled music on and then set up the birthing pool in the lounge. Everything seemed to be going normally on the day of the birth, as Eugy went to work at the Liverpool City College in the morning, had her cervical sweep on her lunch break, and then headed back to work for a meeting with Liverpool FC in the afternoon.”

Matthew, who works in digital marketing, got home from work that evening to find his wife having a few minor contractions.
He said: “The contractions were getting a little heavier, but I was armed with the advice of the one-to-one midwives, who had told us to wait until there had been an hour of frequent contractions.”
However, only 40 minutes in to the contractions, Eugy was on the landing of their home telling Matthew it was time to start pushing.

The midwife was too far away to make it to the couple in time for the birth, so Matthew sent a text which read: “I can see the head. I wasn’t really worried at any point. We called the midwife and had her on loud speaker, so I legged it down the stairs to unlock the door ready for when she arrived and grabbed a load of towels to throw down on the landing.”
After spending some time with his new daughter, Matthew went down to the kitchen to cook up the placenta “Kourtney Kardashian-style”.

Matthew, who has a six-year-old son from a previous marriage, was keen for his wife to have a home birth from early on in her pregnancy.
He told the ECHO, “I was very hands on with my first baby, and I feel like birth is a very natural process, so why not do it at home? It’s growing in popularity, and from watching programmes like One Born Every Minute, I felt like I had a good idea of what to expect.”
Matthew and Eugy’s baby was born on May 19.

Source: Mirror UK

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