Tuesday 16 June 2015

The 7 Habits of Highly Productive Moms

Once you become a parent, it always seems like there is “so much to do, so little time.”

This goes for all moms — whether you stay at home full time, work outside the home full time or part-time, or work at home. Suddenly, “busy” cannot even begin to describe how your day is.

Then again, there are some who seem to breeze through parenthood effortlessly. Though they are not by any means perfect, they have acquired a few habits that help them manage their tasks better. We share them with you to make your life a bit easier — and make this adventure called “motherhood” even more enjoyable!

1. Productive moms get enough sleep.

Research shows that getting enough sleep helps our memory, and also helps us perform better in general.

A well-rested mom will be able to perform her tasks as a wife, mother, and other roles that she may have in a better, more peaceful way. So be sure to get as much sleep as you can!

2. They spend the first part of their day in peace and quiet.

No matter how long your to-do list is, try to start each day with “quiet moments.” These could be a few minutes of prayer or meditation, a few moments to think of what you are grateful for, or even some time to write in a journal.

Pretty soon, you’ll see that starting your day on a positive note will do wonders for you — and your kids!

3. They prioritize and find time to connect with their child.

Whether we realize it or not, our kids crave for “mommy time.” They want our attention, and giving it to them as early as possible in the day — sans any distractions — will help them realize that we put them first before anything else.

This will, in turn, help prevent them from feeling insecure or clingy throughout the day.

You can connect with your child in simple ways, and here are a few examples: reading aloud a short story, giving a tight 10-second hug, saying “I love you” or simply saying a prayer for them like, “God bless you today in everything you do.”

4. They budget their time.

You can use a timer to manage your own time, plus your kids’ time too. For example, you can set a timer for the number of minutes or hours you spend online, doing chores, and using gadgets.

Doing so will help everyone keep to the task at hand, and give you a sense of accomplishment, too. It will also help prevent “power struggles,” especially when it comes to gadget time and chore time.

5. They limit screen time -- both their kids' and theirs.

Many of us may find this a bit challenging to do, but do it we must. Unlimited screen time isn’t very beneficial for anyone — adults and kids alike — so we must be good models for limiting our gadget use.

Instead, encourage interaction among family members, and don’t resort to electronics if your little ones start to fuss. Allow them to be “bored” because it is usually “boredom” that drives kids to be more creative and use their imagination.

6. They teach their kids to be independent from an early age.

We often underestimate our children’s abilities and capacity to do certain tasks because we think they are too young.

The thing is, teaching them to be too dependent on us (or other adults ) may do them more harm than good. Having kids who expect us to be at their beck and call doesn’t help us busy moms either!

So, let’s encourage our little ones to be independent instead. A simple way to help them become independent is to involve them in house chores.

7. They plan, and plan, and plan.

There is a quote by Dr. Steve Maraboli, speaker, bestselling author, and behavioral science academic, that goes like this:

“If you don’t know exactly where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?”

So, if you want to accomplish your goals as a mother, homemaker, and career woman, make sure you have a plan.

For example, to save yourself from the stress of meal preparation, plan your meals, and cook them ahead if possible.
Another example would be planning your family’s schedule for the week or the month. Plot them out in a calendar and discuss it with your spouse, so that you can help each other when it comes to keeping to the schedule.

Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

No matter how busy we can get at times, let’s not forget that the truth behind this rather famous saying: “The most important things in life aren’t things.” So make the most out of those busy days, and cherish your kid’s childhood while you still can.

By: Tina Santiago-Rodriguez 
Photo Credit: Google Image

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